What To Do When Someone With PTSD Pushes You Away

What to do when someone with PTSD pushes you away? This can be a challenging situation when your loved one or some of your friends go through this situation of PTSD and try to push you away from them when a person goes through a challenging situation like the death of someone, divorce, severe injury, or any impact which is greater than day-to-day life problems. 

There is a strong possibility they might be going to the stage of PTSD. PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is a short-term mental health issue that usually happens after a tragedy. 

People suffering from PTSD go through various situations like depression, anxiety, mood swings, low self-confidence, loss of interest in the things they usually like, loneliness, and the wish to be alone and isolated from people. 

This can happen with your loved one, and when they try to be alone and isolated and push you away from them, the following are some strategies you can apply.

What To Do When Someone With PTSD Pushes You Away
What To Do When Someone With PTSD Pushes You Away

What to do when someone with PTSD pushes you away here are 7 steps to do.

1. Respect their boundaries.

Respect their Boundaries
Respect their Boundaries

Being alone and isolated from people is the primary feeling people usually have when they suffer from PTSD. 

Bothering them repeatedly even if you have good intentions in mind can make the situation worse giving them their privacy and solo time to relax and keeping an eye on them without bothering them can be more beneficial at such times. 

when a person suffers from PTSD lots of things war happens such as mood swings, and panic attacks at such time disturbing, and talking about the situation, again and again, can cause irritation which can lead to hateful and negative response from them. 

keeping your calm by understanding their situation which they going through and giving them space to heal is the best possible thing you can do.

2. Educate yourself about PTSD.

educate yourself
educate yourself

Most people usually don’t know about PTSD or the symptoms of PTSD and lack of understanding that from which condition the person is going through. 

PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder “a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event”. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. 

Fear is a part of the body’s “fight-or-flight” response, which helps us avoid or respond to potential danger. but sometimes it gets so extreme that we are unable to handle it. 

understanding the symptoms of PTSD and planning our moves according to that not only helps you to handle the situation more effectively but also saves you from making the situation worse.

3. Validate their feelings.

Validating Parceners feelings
Validating Parceners feelings

Before giving any advice to your loved one who is suffering from PTSD it is always advisable to listen there story first and understand what’s going on in their head. 

sometimes we don’t listen properly and because of that, we were unable to validate others’ feelings. Listening to the other person and understanding their situation properly solves the problem almost halfway. 

Just like a counselor where people come to express their feelings and get relief by just talking it to someone who listens to their thoughts without judgment with sympathy and validation.

4. Offer non-intrusive support.

Offer Non Intrusive Support
Offer Non Intrusive Support

Offering nonintrusive support simply means supporting your loved one without bothering them or interpreting their private space directly. 

imagine if you are suffering from some tragedy and because of that you are in a terrible situation you want to spend some time alone away from the world to get some air to breathe and time to heal yourself. 

and then a friend of yours bothers you again and again saying everything will be alright and giving some random advice surely you will get angry. 

sometimes we don’t need to help directly just keeping an eye on and making them realize that you are there if they need anything to get the job done rather than disturbing direct help.

5. Be patient and understanding.

Be Patient
Be Patient

Healing from a big tragedy and overcome from the suffering is a time-consuming process there is no specific time limit specified for it. 

several factors such as the type of tragedy, the person who is suffering, age, emotional stability, family support, and various other factors put an impact on it. 

at such a time not losing your patience and waiting calmly for the recovery from PTSD is the best thing you can do for your loved one.

6. Encourage professional help.


Sometimes it is ok to seek professional help. not only it will save time but also it will fasten the process of recovery. 

several aspects such severity of the problem Depression, Anxiety, level of loneliness, and emotional stability as a normal person we couldn’t figure out exactly. 

at such a time professional psychologists and mental health professionals can help with some advanced psychological tests and therapy it will bring out the miracle with the least probability of mistakes in a shorter period.

7. Take care of yourself.

Take Care Of Yourself
Take Care Of Yourself

Last but not least taking care of yourself is the most important thing in this recovery process of your loved one from PTSD. 

most of the time while taking care of someone we forget about ourselves and forget about our mental health. you can not help someone if your mental health is not in good condition. 

taking good care of yourself by good exercise, good food, and hanging out with positive people like friends and family will surely give you strength to fight and support the battle of your loved one who is suffering from PTSD and trying to push you away from them.

If you like this post please check out our other post on Dating Someone Who Was Abused By A Narcissist

Points To Remember

1. Respect their boundaries and give them space when they push you away, understanding it as a coping mechanism rather than personal rejection.

2. Educate yourself about PTSD to gain a better understanding of their experiences and challenges, allowing you to respond with empathy and patience.

3. Seek your support system to process any feelings of frustration or helplessness that may arise from their pushing away.

4. Encourage them to seek professional help and offer information about available resources, emphasizing that professional guidance can be beneficial for their well-being.

5. Non-giving up attitude and a lot of patience play a vital role in this journey.


Que1. Why do people with PTSD push others away?

it may be because those experiencing PTSD often: Find it difficult to regulate emotions. Distance/isolate themselves from others. Experience intimacy challenges.

Que2. Is pushing people away a symptom of PTSD?

In PTSD people who are suffering from it have a strong feeling of needing to be alone and isolated from the world that’s why sometimes they push people away from them.

Que3. Do people with PTSD want revenge?

In the early stage people suffering from PTSD often talk about having revenge or justice for their pain and the causes.

Que4. Do people with PTSD avoid relationships?

People suffering from PTSD often feels like to are alone and isolated from the world anything can cause trigger and irritation to them and because of this, they avoid relationship in this stage.

Que5. Why do people with PTSD get angry?

Anger is the most basic and common response to PTSD. it allows you to react quickly and gives you a feeling of relief from the suffering.

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